Goodbye Buenos Aires
I spent this week traveling on business to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Traveling this close to the holiday season had me stressed out but what a blessing the trip turned out to be. I spent three days working with some of the nicest, most sincere individuals I have ever met. I am not fluent in Spanish (I only know basic words) and I was worried about my ability to get around easily but everyone was so nice and helpful. While visiting I had dinner and lunch with several different individuals and during these moments I took the time to ask them about the wedding traditions in Buenos Aires. I learned that dancing is a big part of the celebration after the wedding. Argentinian wedding celebrations last for many hours and usually end with a nice dinner.
Another tradition I found to be just wonderful is that for New Year's everyone dresses in white. The white is a symbol of peace and is practiced throughout the country. In addition, ladies tend to wear pink undies for love. How sweet. It got me thinking how nice it would be if the US had a tradition where for one day we could stand unified for one really great cause. What could be better than standing up for Peace?
My journey was long and my time in Argentina was short but so enriching. I will never forget the trip and what I gained both professionally and personally. Thanks to everyone for showing me such a great time and taking good care of me!