Engaged for One Year!
Today marks one year since Eric proposed. My how quickly a year does pass. We are in good shape and the wedding plans and countdown are in full swing. I thought today would be a great time to write about the proposal and one of the most magical days of my life.
December 28, 2009. North Carolina was experiencing some of the coldest weather on record. Skies were clear and azure blue but the wind and the temperatures were causing most people to retreat indoors for warmth. Eric and I had planned a short trip to Carolina Beach over the holiday break. I love, love, love the beach and spending a couple of days away from home, just the two of us, seemed like the perfect retreat. An astronomer at heart I find it next to impossible to miss the falling of the night sky and the rising of the sun when I am at the beach. So, as might have been predicted, I set my clock for 5:45AM and prepared (with layers and layers) to walk to the beach, sit in the sand and say goodbye moon, hello sun. On this particular morning Eric decided he would also go along and take some pictures. The skies were stunningly clear and the sunrise was going to be amazing. I laid out a blanket on the sand and sat down to watch the sun. Eric was up and about with camera and tripod in toe. Just about the time the sun was peaking up over the water he kneeled before me, asked for my hand, and asked me to marry him while
presenting me with a gorgeous diamond. It was such a magical moment. I felt as though time had stood still. I had waited 35 years for this day . I was totally shocked and unprepared (very unusual for me) but I was elated and he took my breath away. I, of course, said “yes” and the rest is history. We spent the morning walking along the beach and boardwalk and talking about our future. One year later I can honestly say – I love him even more than I did last year!
Learn French with Rosetta Stone
One of the goals I have prior to leaving for our wedding is to become comfortable with simple questions and phrases in French. To help me get there, Santa delivered a copy of Rosetta Stone for Christmas. I am really excited to get started. I previewed the product several years ago and was not very impressed. However, the version available now is incredible. It even includes the ability to speak online with native French speakers which will help both train the ear and improve upon pronunciations. It's sort of like virtual immersion.
Merry Christmas
Today I am hosting Eric's family for Christmas lunch and gift exchange. Eric's mother, sisters and aunt and uncle will be staying the night with us along with their four legged family members. I have been working over the past few days to create the perfect holiday lunch. Some members of the family are vegetarian so I want to make sure everyone can enjoy an exceptional holiday meal. The menu I have decided on includes the following:
For Lunch:
For Dessert:
This is the first year Eric and I are hosting his family for the holidays. It's something he has wanted to do since we moved in to our home (this is our third Christmas in this house). I am postively thrilled that everyone's schedules were able to accommodate a drive to Raleigh and an overnight stay. Now, I just have to hope I can pull everything together and make both Eric and my grandmother's proud!
Wish me luck.