Things I learned from Grandma Callicutt
Today would have been Grandma C's 88th birthday. I grew up just steps from grandma's front door and when I got home from school I would make a bee-line into her arms. Grandma was a strong, spirited and loving person. She always spoiled me and I always let her. She loved gardening, traveling and she was a top-notch cook. Throughout all those years I now know that many of the things I do and believe today are a direct result of what Grandma taught me. This post is dedicated to everything I learned from Grandma “C”.
This concludes my list. Although there are other words of wisdom I gained from grandma the thing I miss the most is her smile and her laugh. She really had a great one!
A Wonderful Man
Today is a sad day for me. My father passed away on January 3, 2008. I will always view that date as one that changed my life more than any other single day. I've decided to honor my father today by writing about him and sharing with all of the cyber world just how amazing a person he really was.
My father and I were very close. Growing up I was a Daddy's girl through and through. My father was a humble, generous, faithful and joyous person. A joke and a smile was never too far away when you were talking to my dad. He had a special ability to connect with people. I think it was because my dad always saw each and every person as equals. Looks, money, education, etc were never considerations of my father. He used to say "people are people wherever you go" -- and he truly never saw things any other way. He would sit and talk to anyone. He had an uncany ability to find a common bond. He could and did talk for hours with someone he literally just met. He was a givin man. He had a big personality and and even bigger heart. Two of his most favorite sayings were "A stranger is a friend you have not yet met" and "Smile, it'll make you feel better".
Growing up I did not realize how much truth and sincereity were in his words. Dad used to get upset with me if he dropped me off for school or picked me up from ball or band practice and I was not smiling. Simple things like this were just a part of my everyday life with dad. He was nurturing, encouraging, passionate and simple. He was a one-of-a-kind.
Today, I just long to spend one day, one hour, one minute or even just one more second with him. I know I am blessed. Blessed that he is my father. Blessed that I was raised by an ordinary man that was an extraordinary person. Blessed that I have a family with deep ties. Ties that bind no matter what. Today I am sad but for my dad I am smiling. Afterall it always makes me feel better.
Merry Christmas
Today I am hosting Eric's family for Christmas lunch and gift exchange. Eric's mother, sisters and aunt and uncle will be staying the night with us along with their four legged family members. I have been working over the past few days to create the perfect holiday lunch. Some members of the family are vegetarian so I want to make sure everyone can enjoy an exceptional holiday meal. The menu I have decided on includes the following:
For Lunch:
For Dessert:
This is the first year Eric and I are hosting his family for the holidays. It's something he has wanted to do since we moved in to our home (this is our third Christmas in this house). I am postively thrilled that everyone's schedules were able to accommodate a drive to Raleigh and an overnight stay. Now, I just have to hope I can pull everything together and make both Eric and my grandmother's proud!
Wish me luck.